I teach preschool at a delightful little private school in Kentucky. It's an inclusive school, which means I have many students with special needs in my classroom who are learning alongside typically developing students. It's a model of learning that I personally believe in and love. It teaches tolerance, empathy, and patience.
This will be about my classroom's journey toward building a Rube Goldberg Machine.
What's a Rube Goldberg Machine? Great question! It's an overly complicated machine developed to complete a (usually) mundane task.
This guy here is pretty fun...
I have one member in my class who showed up the first day completely in love and obsessed with a marble run. His love and joy became infectious and spread to the entire class. A member of the office staff at school decided to show a YouTube video of a Rube Goldberg machine and my class was mesmerized. She and I decided then that we had to make this happen! With 4 year olds. Hmm.
This is that journey, and, hopefully, I will be able to post a completed video of our machine by May.
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